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Nurse & Fit Blog

  • Writer's pictureAshley Fozio

Tip Tuesday: Fitting Everything In

When I restarted my self love journey after nursing school began, I thought these plans were crazy! How was I going to fit in eating healthy, personal development, exercise, studying, working, class, and the smidgen of a life I had?!

Well with a lot of help from resources, my coach, my friends, my family, my boyfriend, and trial and error I figured out what worked best for me. From the right program, to the right day for meal planning, to times for to do the different aspects of my life.

I want to share the various schedules I have used and evolved from when I was in school to now and how I manage to exercise, eat right, run my own business, work as a nurse, and have a life!

*note: These schedules ONLY CONTAIN DAYS I WORKOUT these DO NOT show the 3 days I have off from my lifting routine and have spare time. Don't get overwhelmed! I also DID NOT work 7 days a week. I put these schedules here to show the busiest of busy days and how I managed to fit it all in! Obviously, on less busy days it's much easier visualize fitting in a sweat sesh and I didn't see the reason to put that in here.

**another note: I am more of a morning workout person. You will notice I try to do that as often as possible. You CAN adjust for evening workouts or ask me if you need help!

What helped me:

1. Knowing my "perfect" amount of sleep. I know that my body likes about 6-6.5 hours of sleep. I know that's not the "standard" 8 hours. However, I have discussed with my doctor and this isn't abnormal. Some people need less than average and some people need more... that's why it's called an average. I learned that if I get over 7 hours of sleep I feel exhausted as if I only got 4 hours of sleep. Figure out what is best for you and stick to it!

2. "Eating the frog". One of my first personal development books I read was Eat That Frog. It talks all about conquering the hardest, most dreaded, or "worst thing" in your day first. And while I don't consider exercising "the worst" I know with certainty if I don't do it sooner than later those excuses start creeping in. So I tackle it right away and then it's done! No excuses!

3. Record myself teaching content. While in school I would study by recording myself teaching my cats the content we learned or stuff I struggled with. Similar concept as see one, do one, teach one. I would record and listen back to it in the car, walking to class, even during workouts if I knew I needed a study break but really needed some sort of studying.

4. Pack meals and bags the night before. This goals for school or work, no matter what shift. Try to avoid eating cafeteria food as much as you can. It not only saves you money but you'll feel a whole heck of a lot better! You won't crash, you'll be more full, you're more likely to stay on track, and really though you SAVE MONEY! Refer to my meal prep post and pack up your meals you need with you for the day in tupperware quick to grab and throw in a bag on your way out the door!

5. Stay consistent. Once you find a routine and schedule that works for you. Stick with it for a few weeks and see how your mindset and physical appearance completely shift! Once you get consistent your schedule and times start to not feel as overwhelming. Plus most schedules are not 7 days a week... you WILL have down time.

6. The right workout. Now that the 4 days a week 30 minutes a day program has been in my life...I couldn't imagine going any other route. This program is perfect for those working 12 hour shifts. You can take all of 3 of your rest days on the days you work and then your 4 days off work are the days you exercise! For those in school you don't necessarily have to workout on clinical days use that as a rest day. This program was MADE for nurses! That's not to say other workout routines aren't good for you! Find the one that makes you happy, ready to see results, and that you'll stick to.

7. The right people. Surrounding yourself with the right people is SO important to sticking with a schedule of good nutrition, fitness, work, and/or studying. When I found my group of ladies who had busy lives and similar goals, it was the positive tipping point in me sticking to the plan. We all counted on each other to check in and motivate one another. Same with my nursing school friends, coworkers, and my childhood friends. When I told them about my plans to get healthy they were more than happy and ready to cheer me on and/or join me! If you have people in your life who DO NOT do that! Drop them... they aren't a real friend. Surround yourself with positivity and you too will shine with positivity!

Schedule Samples

Class Only

For the most part my class schedule was usually Mon/Tues/Fri usually with a start of 8/9am and sometimes leave me on campus until about 3/4pm. This obviously varied and I adjusted accordingly but for the purpose of the example I will do an 8am-4pm day.

0500: Wake up, morning hygiene, feed cats, make toast and PB, drink go-go juice

0530: Daily affirmations, read/listen to personal development

0600: Press play (avg of 30 minutes)

0630ish: Drink recover & shower

0700: 15 minute notes review, pack bag, coffee, make super study shake, grab lunch

0730: Leave for class

0800-1150: Class (have snack around 0930/10)

1200-1230: Lunch (packed the night before with snacks)

1300-1350: Study

1400-1600: Class (snack around 1500)

1630: Brain break/coach work

1700: Study

1730-1830: Dinner

1900-2200: Study (20 min power sessions) & coach work on study breaks <3

Class & Work (8 hour shift)

I scribed for a good while in the ED while going to school. Learned a ton and loved it! Eventually I got my intern job and maintaining 2 jobs while in school wasn't feasible. Anyway, this schedule is in relation to when I worked some of those shifts directly after class. These days studying was minimal BUT that's okay I still managed to study and often times I could ask the docs, PAs, or nurses about certain subjects we were studying and learn from them :)

0500: Wake up, morning hygiene, feed cats, make toast and PB, drink go-go juice

0530: Study

0600: Press play (avg of 30 minutes)

0630ish: Drink recover & shower

0700: 15 minute notes review, pack bag, coffee, make super study shake, grab lunch

0730: Leave for class

0800-1150: Class (have snack around 0930/10)

1200-1320: Lunch (packed the night before with snacks) & coach work

1320-1350: Drive to work

1400-2200: Work (dinner packed earlier as well)

2245-2330: Night hygiene, feed cats, read personal development

Clinical Days AM

One of the most infamous routines I had was during my Children's Clinical (0630am start) while doing 80 Day Obsession... I likely wouldn't recommend 80DO to anyone going through school after experiencing that craziness. But as a coach I wanted to do what I could and see what my limits were! For this schedule I'll show you what I did with hour long workouts... BUT UNLESS YOU KNOW YOU CAN HANDLE THAT WITH YOUR SCHEDULE I RECOMMEND THE 30 MIN 4X A WEEK STILL!

0350: Wake up, morning hygiene, feed cats, make preworkout meal, drink go-go juice

0410-0510: Press play (60 minutes)

0515-0530: Drink recover & shower

0530-0545: Eat post workout meal, grab coffee, make sure clinical bag is set to go

0550: Leave for clinical

0630-1230/1330: Clinical

1300/1400 (varied): Make super study shake

1430-1510: Power nap

1530-1730: Study with snack

1730-1830: Dinner

1830-2000: Study with nighttime snack

2000-2100: Power hour coach session

2100: Night routine

Clinical Days PM

I had one or two clinicals that were 1400-2200. These days looked pretty close to my class and scribing days.

0600: Wake up, morning hygiene, feed cats, make toast and PB, drink go-go juice

0630: Personal development, daily affirmations

0700: Press play (avg of 30 minutes)

0730ish: Drink recover & shower

0800-1000: Coffee, super study shake, study sesh, clinical prep

1000-1200: Double power hour coach session

1200-1230: Lunch

1300: Leave for clinical

1330: Clinical prep

1400-2200: Clinical (dinner was packed prior)

2230-2300: Night routine

12 Hour 1st Shift

0400: Wake up, morning hygiene, feed cats, toast & PB , drink go-go juice

0400-0430: Personal development daily affirmations

0500-0530: Press play

0515-0530: Drink recover, shower, morning routine,

0530-0615: Coach work

0620: Grab super nurse shake, grab water, grab bag, grab lunch (packed night prior) and leave for work

0650-1930/45: Work

2030: Dinner

2130-2230: Coach work

2230: Night time routine

I also sometimes work out at night these shifts, however, much harder to stick to because you never know how your day will be. I'm usually exhausted and my workout suffers.

0500-0530: Wake up, morning hygiene, feed cats

0515-0530: Shower, morning routine, PD, daily affirmations

0530-0615: Coach work

0620: Grab super nurse shake, grab water, grab bag, grab lunch (packed night prior) and leave for work

0650-1930/45: Work

2030: Toast & PB, Go Go juice, coach work

2045-2115: Press Play

2130: Recover shake, start fast/light dinner, shower

2145: Dinner

2200-2300: Relax and nighttime routine

10 Hour Overnight

0300-0900: Sleep

0900: Morning routine, toast & PB, feed cats, Go Go Juice

0900-0930: Personal Development, Daily affirmations

0930-1000: Press Play (30 minutes)

1000-1030: Drink recover, shower

1030-1130: Small snack

1130-1230: Coach power hour

1230-1630: Open

1700-1830/1900: Nap

1900-2000: "breakfast" of super nurse shake

2100-0700: Work

8 Hour 1st Shift

0400: Wake up, morning hygiene, feed cats, toast & PB , drink go-go juice

0400-0430: Personal development daily affirmations

0500-0530: Press play

0515-0530: Drink recover, shower, morning routine,

0530-0615: Coach work

0620: Grab super nurse shake, grab water, grab bag, grab lunch (packed night prior) and leave for work

0650-1530/1600: Work

1700-1800: Dinner

1800-2000: Coach work

2200-2300: Open/Night Routine

8 Hour 2nd Shift

0800: Wake up, morning hygiene, feed cats, make toast and PB, drink go-go juice

0830: Personal development, daily affirmations

0900: Press play (avg of 30 minutes)

0930ish: Drink recover & shower

1000-1200: Coffee, super nurse shake, coach work

1300-1400: Lunch/Open

1420: Get ready and leave for work

1500-2330/2400: Work

2400: Home & night routine

I hope my samples help you find a schedule that works for you! As always any questions message me on facebook, instagram, or e-mail me at

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