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Nurse & Fit Blog

  • Writer's pictureAshley Fozio

Tip Tuesday: Personal Development

I wrote earlier about how personal development changed my life -- for the good. It sparked some questions about how to get started and what books do you recommend. So I wanted to make a list of some of my favorite go-to's to really help strengthen your mindset, relationship with yourself, relationship with others, and your work (whether building a business or not).

I'm going to start by saying that personal development is completely individual and everyone has their own favorites and own personal needs for their current season of life. Just because I like one book and you don't that's totally okay!! It's important to know what season of life you are in to find the right personal development for you; take a look at what areas you are struggling in, your current obstacles, your life as a whole, and pick a personal development topic off of that to listen to or read.

Which brings me to my next point, it's totally okay if you get a couple chapters in and you realize it's just not your jam. You are in no way required to finished a book that you start right away; maybe that book isn't right at the time but will serve it's purpose at a later time. Never feel like you need to read or listen to the same personal development that everyone and their mother are reading if it doesn't directly relate to your life!

hint: I don't always read my personal development. There is plenty of podcasts, Audible books, and YouTube videos just as worthy as any paper book!! If that's more your style or easier for your schedule (i.e. commute, walk, studying, etc) do that instead.

The first book I recommend:

The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod

Perfect for really getting into a good morning routine. Read it. Implement it. Change your live forever.

Need a Mindset Makeover:

Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis

If you need someone to raw, real, and speak the truth and tell you pull your pants up go achieve those goals you are capable of. This is for you!

Another good one much like the one above:

You are a Badass by Jen Sincero

For anyone going through hectic chaos in life:

12 Rules of Life by Jordan Peterson

A mix of philosophy, psychology, and self help all rolled into one neat book. A great book to get back to the basics and live your life efficiently.

Feel like you really need to focus on your habits and productivity:

High Performance Habits by Brandon Burchard

Nursing specific self-care:

Nursing by Heart by Julie Skinner

Helps create new possibilities for all nurses currently practicing and struggling with career fatigue, and encourages empowerment by teaching energy management, allowing them to take responsibility for their health, as physical, emotional, thinking and spiritual beings.

This list while short, contains some of my favorites to start with. I will be making a future post of all books I think nursing students & nurses should read with mini reviews of them. So be on the look out for that! As always let me know some of your favorites or if I forgot anything.

Xoxo Ashley and happy reading!

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