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Are you tired of saying "maybe tomorrow"


Do you find yourself wishing you were in better shape, but unsure how to start 


Are you a busy student or nurse who wants to take back their health & wellness


Do you find that you require an afternoon pick-me-up 


Are you craving a group of other nurses and students who just "get you" 




It's your turn to be Red Hot, I want to help!

Why join  The Nation?



















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Holiday Meltdown

December 3rd



Guide to survive holiday parties and break room treats 

Healthy recipes for your favorite drinks & dishes 


I get it! As a new nurse and recent nursing student, it is HARD AF to take care of ourselves. But OUR HEALTH MATTERS TOO!  That is why I created a specific group for nurses, nursing students, and pre-nursing students to join together. Focused on nutrition, time management, fitness, and mindset! 24/7 video chat access to workout, study, vent, or make new friends!

Don't accept chronic exhaustion & 2 meals a day! Learn from someone who's living healthier choices RIGHT now!  




80 Day Obsession
80 Day Obsession

This program is a step-by-step guide to building a shaped butt while simultaneously shrinking your core. It’s 80 days of obsessive focus on fitness and nutrition spread over 3 phases.

The workouts are EXTREME and they average 45-60 minutes in length. You will also be following a professionally calibrated macro-nutrition timed plan to produce the BEST results at each phase of the program


All access

Strong and lean in just 4 days a’s called LIIFT4, and it’s an efficient, no-nonsense workout that combines weightlifting and calorie-burning high-intensity interval training (HIIT). You’ll pack into just about 30 minutes on average what would normally take an hour and a half at the gym

There are no gimmicky moves, no overly complicated routines, and no opportunity for boredom because you’ll do all 32 workouts of the program in real time with Joel and the cast, never doing the same workout twice.

LIIFT4 Ladies
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2019 Vision Board Party

December 10th-16th


A vision board is a tool used to help clarify, concentrate, and maintain focus on specific life goals. 

Which is why I'm hosting a FREE virtual vision board party this December. To set clear intentions for 2019 and make your dreams a reality in the New Year. 

This party is for ANYONE and EVERYONE ready to make 2019 your year!! Invite your friends, invite your family! Join us for some fun all week before we get together virtually on 12/16 with free zoom call to talk, share, drink some holiday cheer, and make our boards!  



weight loss

Brittany L. 80 Day Obsession

Brittany was a mom to a 6 month old with a busy schedule when she participated in the 80 Day Obsession test group. She made incredible progress all while scheduling her workouts around her little one's nap time and was sure to have her daily Shakeology for that new mom energy boost!



Kaicey has been on this journey for 3 years and has a lost a total of 40 lbs and even more inches! Her confidence has grown and she has achieved all of the goals she has put her mind to! Kaicey loves team beachbody so much that she became a coach and one of the first certified instructors for Core de Force Live! She is an inspiration to all us and continues to work hard with the up-to-date programs on Beachbody On Demand with her daily shake! 


Fitness Kaicey V. Fitness

*Results Vary

Kristen is a full time mom to a toddler, make up counter manager, wife, and amazing challenger! She decided last year that enough was enough and took back her body! She has lost over 70 lbs total so far and plans to continue eating right, working out, and seeing where takes her. Her doctor was EXCITED recently about her lab results and gave her the all clear to plan for a healthy pregnancy when she's ready! She's done various programs from Beachbody on Demand varying from Cize, LIIFT4, and 80 Day Obsession! Although her personal favorite will always be 21 Day Fix & Extreme 


*Results Vary

Red Hot Fitness Red Hot Fit


I know, I know I put myself in here! But what better way to show success and progress than by putting myself out there!! I am a WORK IN PROGRESS as many of us are. I restarted my journey after tragedy struck. As many of you know. I gained a ton of weight and ultimately hit my highest weight of 137.9 lbs. I decided I needed a mindset, nutrition, and fitness make over. Mainly because what's done is done... I couldn't change that my house burned down, my dad's cancer number keep going up, I'm in a new long distance relationship, or that we lost 2 pets in the fire. Eating my emotions and not caring about myself was no way to solve things. So I decided to fight back! I started LIIFT 4 again and have been going ALL in since I started! This picture is from Day 1 of the program to 4 weeks in!! All from personal development, eating right, and working out 4x a week! 


*Results Vary

Red Hot Fitness Red Hot Fitness

Red Hot Fitness Red Hot Fitnes

Are you ready to get Red Hot?

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