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Nurse & Fit Blog

  • Writer's pictureAshley Fozio

Inside My Morning Routine

A bunch of you have been asking about my "wake up" routine each day! From my devotional, to my reading, to my workout, and how I schedule everything to fit in and if it's possible to do on any shift. I figured it would be best to explain it all through a blog post!!

About year into nursing school I read the book "Miracle Morning" by Hal Elrod. It changed my life and daily routine forever! Waking up, reading, exercising, and having some time to reflect to myself. I haven't always been an early riser - I always wanted to be an early riser - for the past 4 years I've made a conscious effort to get up before the sun and to start my day because it sets me up for a better mindset and productivity for the rest of my day.

My day starts when my alarm goes off from across the room at 0445. Keeping it across the room is one of the key components to this working. I get up turn off my alarm and immediately make my bed and head over to brush my teeth & wash my face. Then it's time to go to the kitchen replenish the cat food & water, start making my pre-workout snack, and drink my go-go juice. You all know the next part...I hang out with you guys on my stories for a couple of minutes and keep myself accountable about my day.

Then I head over to my desk (keeping my computer OFF), I sit down and read my daily devotional and 1 chapter of whatever personal development book I am currently reading. I just finished Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis. I would highly recommend it to anyone that has self-limiting beliefs, needs a reality check, or has problems comparing yourself with others. I generally choose my personal development based on where I am in my life and what would be beneficial for me. Recently, it has been a lot of motivational and lifestyle changing books because of the recent tragedies and major changes I have been through.

Once I am done reading my go-go juice has usually kicked in and it's time to sweat! I either head for a run or press play on whatever program I am doing at the moment. Currently, it's my lifting & HIIT program that's about 30 minutes a day - perfect for the crazy shift worker lifestyle I have. My sweat sesh is my me time; it gives me time to clear my head and leave all of my stress and anxiety behind to focus on how awesome I'll feel when I'm done. So many women and especially shift workers say that they do not have TIME to workout! Girl, I feel you... I remember saying those things ALL THE TIME but when it changed to something that I NEEDED to do to help my mental health - I miraculously found the time! For me, it was waking up just a little bit earlier each day. I made that sacrifice because I knew at the end of my workout I would feel so much more motivated and ready to take on the day. Plus - I was leading by example for my future patients! When I workout my mind is clearer, I get an endorphin boost, and have a better outlook on myself and life!

From there, I go hit the shower, make my super nurse shake (to-go if needed), and grab my coffee. I am usually out the door and heading to make the 0617 bus if I'm working first shift. On my bus ride and walk to the hospital I will then note on my phone my thoughts, intentions, and to-do's for the day and listen to a podcast whether nursing, business, or personal development related. This way I'm walking into work clear minded and ready to take on anything. Note: I will still do this part even if I don't work at all or don't work until later in day -- I just do it at my desk.

Days off are usually a little more flexible and on days I work 2nd shift (1500-2330) I sometimes set that 0445 alarm for a little later so I get some sleep, but I never miss this morning routine. I take it on the go when I'm visiting my family or even when I have friends visiting me I make sure to fit it in! It gets me in the right mindset to tackle the day ahead, keeps me accountable, and helps me not feel rushed, stressed, or like I'm scrambling in the morning.

So that's it!! My morning's generally begin around 0445 and I'm out the door to make my 0700 shift if I have one! The best part about this routine is that it can be easily manipulated for ANY shift you have. You don't have to start with doing EVERYTHING I do all at once if it's too much -- set aside a realistic amount of time and things you want to get done upon waking up. I promise you that starting your own self care routine is going to be freaking LIFE CHANGING! Will you try it for 30 days? Make it priority by setting alarms on your phone or scheduling it in your calendar like shift you can't miss. Then let me know how it's going!!

I hope this helps you set up your routine answered all of your questions!! As always feel free to let me know if I missed something I’d love to hear about your morning routine as well!

Happy nursing and happy studying!!


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