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Nurse & Fit Blog

  • Writer's pictureAshley Fozio

Holiday Survival Guide

Can you believe Thanksgiving is over? Where in the world has 2018 gone!? It's already time to start getting ready for Christmas & New Years. The season that is all about gratitude, happiness, and giving is in full force, however, I feel that is not always case. It seems that more often than not we are more stressed out finally, physically, and emotionally during this time of year. We put an unnecessarily large amount of demand on ourselves to decorate, buy the best gifts, go to all the holiday parties looking and feeling the best, and cooking the best holiday meals. Sometimes, that's just not realistic! We need to stop comparing ourselves to the Hallmark & Netflix original holiday movies; perfect family, perfect house, perfect love, perfect everything - real life is NOT like that...that's the fun of those movies!

If you're anything like me you do not have a Monday-Friday 9-5 job and you more than likely work at least 1/2 of the holidays every year. So now not only are you stressed about getting everything ready, you're stressed about fitting in to your already tight schedule. Then what? We fall apart and find reasons why we don't have time for ourselves. We are on the go 24/7, we turn to fast food because it's on the fly, we forget to hydrate, sleep is minimal, and naturally our workout goes out the window! So many people turn to the "I'll just make it my New Years Resolution" to figure out a better routine when life isn't as hectic.

Honestly, life doesn't always slow down after the New Year. It's just another excuse we say to ourselves when we aren't making the best of choices... and I know I'm guilty for falling into the trap and not changing my habits even after the New Year. Meaning during the holidays we need to stick together for accountability more than ever! We need to find a way to stay on track, share healthy alternatives to holiday favorites, help each other survive the break room treats, and managing working/studying through the holidays. A way to keep each other from getting overly stressed, turning to the wrong things, and have a support system of women who understand the craziness that is being a nurse during the holidays. It is time to make you a priority! You deserve it!

It is not selfish to put yourself first for 30 minutes per day.  I'm going to say it again a little louder for those in the back, it is not selfish to put yourself first for 30 minutes per day. It is not selfish to politely decline the treats in the break room. It is not selfish to plan your meals or to eat healthy. It is not selfish to make choices that help your health and wellness.

What IS Selfish: Is not taking care of your body & mind and doing the first thing we learned in school; preventative health/health promotion. Not taking care of yourself can lead to health issues and how fair is that to your family, friends, your future children, your patients, and yourself!

It is time to take charge of YOUR preventative health! Control the controllable!

The Holiday Survival Guide is NOT about giving up everything that you enjoy to eat or love over the holiday season. It is SO not about being perfect. It is about enjoying what you love, finding time even with work, even with school, and passing on the things that don't make you happy. It is about finding time for YOU every day and helping your mindset by fueling yourself with positivity.

How would you feel if you were healthier, more positive, and had more energy for those long shifts come December 31st? Would you be happier, more confident, and ready to take on the day? If you said "yes!" than here are the deets! I want you to join me on December 3rd for my closed online health & wellness group for nurses and future nurses. It is fully focused on the surviving the holidays while being a student or shift worker.

I am going to find your fitness program beau that fits your schedule. I will match you up with either the super nurse shake or go go juice to help give you natural energy to push through the holidays. On top of that you get me as your coach and tour guide through the whole process! I will cheer you on and keep you accountable for the next YEAR including the holidays. You will meet and network with other women in nursing who have similar goals and will be able to chat and support one another!

What you'll get from me?

  • I'll help you create a healthy clean meal plan that works for you, your family, and schedule.

  • Teach you how to plan out your meals, grocery shop and give you lists of snack ideas and recipes.

  • I am going to give you daily motivation, accountability and tips to keep you on track.

  • You will get a holiday guide for alternative recipes for your favorites.

  • You will get a travel guide and tips for when you are on the go.

  • You will get a break room guide for tricks to handle the break room.

  • How to handle the holiday parties

  • 24/7 access to our closed support group and access to 600+ take anywhere workouts that fit for any schedule

Does this sound like something you are interested in?

The time is now!

Complete this application and I will contact you within 24 hours to get you going!!

The group begins on the December 3rd. Don’t worry about being perfect, I don’t expect perfection I just expect effort!  Let’s have fun and stay accountable together.

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