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Nurse & Fit Blog

  • Writer's pictureAshley Fozio

What I Keep In My Bag: Nursing Edition

Updated: Nov 12, 2018

I posted a picture of my green bag that I have been using since clinical rotations on Instagram recently. I also posted ALL of the contents within and what I bring with me to keep my life organized. It was such hit and I was getting SO many messages asking for links to everything that I decided to make this post as a "catch all" of links for my nurse bag.

I am never without my bag, whether it was clinical, interning, or work, I *always* have my bag with me. It keeps my nursing life inside of it! I highly recommend you start your own nursing bag that works for your job, clinical, and personal life as well!

Here is a picture for your convenience. Below it you find the links to the items, what they are, and why I use them!

1. First up, the grand daddy of it all... the green bag! There really isn't much to explain here as to why I use it, basically because it holds EVERYTHING! It does not have big pockets inside of it, but we will get to that later. It does have the outer pockets which I love, it's roomy, and it's not to awkward to hold which is huge for me!

2. The blue inner bag this bag is why I didn't care that the green one didn't come within inside pockets. This smaller bag has all of the organization and pockets I could ask for! It has handles to easily lift up and out of the green bag or put it back inside. It has been a life saver... go here to see what it looks full of goodies!

3. My stethoscope was a grad present from my lovely grandma! I was sick of my navy blue one and wanted something fun that matched my personality for my new job! The stethoscope I used in school was a Littman Classic, however, as much as I liked it, I 100% prefer my new one. This one is the MDF stainless steel dual head rose gold and white edition. I am *obsessed* with Rose Gold and this steth makes me happy daily! Plus it works wonders, everything is clearly auscultated!

4. The clipboard that has saved my ass a number of times and gets compliments from all of the seasoned nurses. This clipboard has all of the nursing knowledge you would need to know in a clinical setting right there for you! It is a folding clipboard that easily holds any papers or notes you may need and easily fits into you scrub pocket (um... HECK YES!). I regularly was wondering what to do with my stuff during clinical, once I got this bad boy, I took my notes folded them inside, and slipped it into my pocket out the way but still on my person in case I needed to get to it quickly. Just make sure if you buy this and switch colors that you get the NURSING version of it. They have medical doctor, pharmacy, EMT, and I think several others.

5. The RNotes spirals have been really helpful when I have downtime and want to look something up, wasn't confident in my thinking, or just wanted to study a little more some information. I used them during clinical often and even studying for the NCLEX. The best part is they are ERASABLE!! Say what!? Yup! Write all of your notes down and you can erase it later if you want.

6. I am sucker for cats being a cat mom and all. So the purple planner was totally fitting! I have tried a bunch of different planners in the past and so far this one has been working the best. It basic, to the point, and large for my giant handwriting. It has a monthly calendar each month and then breaks it down in each week with 3 days on side and 4 on the other side with lines and big boxes to write important dates down in. I manage to write my schedule, bill due dates, workout schedule, follow up with potential client calls, posting schedule, and my meal plan all within the boxes with room to spare! It's light and easy to carry along. I got mine from Walmart but I'm sure you could find a similar Mead calendar anywhere!

7. These gel pens are bright, don't bleed, and write super smooth! I *love* them! They come in pack where you have multiples of each color and have lasted me 5 months so far with no signs of drying of up yet. Perfect for taking report, writing in your planner, taking notes on powerpoints, or whatever your needs are.

8. I am all about not exposing unnecessary chemicals to my body if I don't have to. i.e. tampons, pads, deodorant, etc. So I have found organic and chemical free versions of both that I get from target. First I use L. brand tampons/pads I used to be someone who suffered from intense cramps and 12 day long periods, once I switched, my cramps significantly decreased and my period is back down to 4-5 days! You have to switch them out a little more regularly because they don't have the absorbing chemicals but in my head that is totally worth it! Why does our body need chemicals that inhibit the shedding of old tissue and causes increased cramps? It doesn't... second I use organic deodorant, meaning there is no antiperspirant but so far I haven't had an issue with that! I use Tom's Lavender scented... because it smells good AND is a stress relieving essential oil. I highly recommend trying out these two brands or any version of organic and chemical free of these things! Our body's go through a lot as is, why give them extra nonsense when we don't have to?

As for everything else, it's basic essentials. Hemostats and scissors that I honestly do not remember where I got them. I had this Penlight and this watch but unfortunately they were victims of the fire and I need to replace them. I always kept extra paper, both in large printer size, and small note pad size, to take notes and report on. During school make sure to bring any prework or careplan notes you need on your patient's. My patho book and drug guide fit in the big green bag no problem for days I thought I would need them.

I liked have Aquaphor for my dry skin, especially in the winter. We already wash our hands 800 times a day, on top of the dry air in the hospital, on top of dry winter air... yikes! My hands would crack and the Aquaphor was a life saver with that issue. Chapstick, folding brush, extra hair ties and pins were always to good to have.

Of course my medical necessities are also important, if I'm not healthy I can't take care of my patients. So I have Excedrin, Albuterol, Epi-Pen, Lactaid pills, hand santizer, and my glasses always at the ready. I also keep my epi-pen and albuterol in the front screened pockets so they are easily seen and easy to get to quickly.

Lastly, my wallet, extra cash in a different pocket, my house keys, my badge, and my phone are always on me or in my bag. The extra cash is in case I forget my wallet in my day to day purse at home. You don't want to be without ANYTHING in the event of an emergency or even if you just need extra pick me up of coffee during the day, you'll be happy you have the spare change.

My last bit of advice... pack your bag the NIGHT BEFORE you have work or clinical. This helps to make sure you have everything you need and keeps you from rushing around the day next day risking being late.

I hope this helps! If you have any questions or other tips on what to keep in your bag let me know in the comments!

Happy nursing!

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